Friday, October 27, 2006

I've been around, and I've seen the SHIT go down. In my years as an agent of social deviance, I've been at parties where people have been stabbed, bottles broken on heads, teeth knocked out, and then there is the pissing. God, all the pissing...
No wait, I dont like the way this is starting at all. Lemme start over.

I've never been one to turn down a reason to party. Classes are over, let's get after it! Flag Day, fuck yeah, fire up for the Stars and Bars. I woke up without a hangover, Jag bombs bitches!
This is where the plot thickens. A good friend of mine is getting married in Hawaii. Sorry, I dont think I can swing the $1100 ticket and then hotel on top of that, so I'll just come to the Bachelor party. Where? Vegas. But, still things are tight. So, what's the alternative? Vegas for 18 hours. I land at 11pm on a Friday and then fly back out at 630pm the next day. What have I gotten myself into? This could be epic. Or epically bad. We'll see.


Blogger J. Bob. said...

this must be updated everyday.
You have been warned

11:48 AM  

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